Every 1st Sunday of each month Shaheed Rucker of Change Makers, Gianni Lee of Babylon Cartel & Curran J of Kings Rule Together host Arts, Beats & Eats, a networking mixer.
Arts being fashion, artwork, poetry, etc.
Beats being music.
Eats of course being food.
Along with networking, there is vending, where guest are allowed to purchase things from clothing all the way to massages.
Having attended Arts. Beats & Eats several times, I am beyond proud of the professionalism displayed from the guest, the gratitude of the gentlemen and overall message. I always leave with one new contact that I am sure to work with in the future.
If you never attended your missing something exceptional & if your in the career field of fashion it is a must attend!
Check out some of the guest from their 1 Year Anniversary who posed in their Dark Shades!