Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dark Shades, Bright Lights Presents: Deanna Robinson

Dougie Newton: Thanks so much Deanna for being my first interviewee!!
Deanna Robinson: Its an honor. I am always willing to help anyone follow their dream. We need more motivated men like you around.

DN: Awww thanks Deanna!! Okay, first question. What is your role in this fashion industry?

DR: Model Management

DN: What made you decide on Model Management?

DR: I was tired of seeing young girls mistreated by "model management companies" in the Philadelphia area.

DN: Describe to me your personal style.

DR: Fashion is about expressing yourself. I dress how I feel. Sophisticated.

DN: I agree, so is it a no to trends?

DR: Yes, I believe in trends. We set our own trends. Trends are looks that are accepted over time. So what you wear and people accept for a long period of time can become a trend.

DN: I gotchu. so who would you say is your all time favorite designer?

DR: Imma have to say Ralph Rucci because it takes a lot of skill to design functional clothing in geometric shapes. His designs are inspirational.

DN: How about favorite magazine? What can you not go without?

DR: Vogue of course & People.

DN: If you had to choose between flats & heels which would you choose?

DR: Heels because there is nothing more sexier than a woman in heels!

DN: Have you experienced any fashion gone wrong?

DR: I wore a dress designed by one of my friends. It ripped! Thank God I know how to sew! I walked out of the restroom with a new dress. Turns out it looked better after the adjustment!

DN: Hahaha, what is your opinion on Philly fashion scene?

DR: Everyone wants o be couture designers but cannot develop a complete collection.

DN: Do you think Philly is trying to imitate New York by attempting t be "couture"?

DR: Yes, but what city isn't? New York is our fashion capitol. What I am saying is that if your going to produce "haute couture" do it right. Assure that your pieces are finished and you have the right model wearing it. That's how you sell garments. Its all about presentation.

DN: What kind of models do you look for being a model manager?

DR: All models. There are so many ways a model can make money without degrading themselves.

DN: I love it! With all of this, what quote or saying do you rely on the get through this life?

DR: "Woussa" [Breath & Say It] & "It is what it is"

DN: Let's talk future for a quick second. What's next, what's poppin for you? Haha

DR: I'm taking C.K International!

DN: Let's Goo! I Love it! It's A Hell of a Life Right?

DR: It sure is.

DN: We've come to an end Deanna. I cannot thank you enough for this interview, I'm overly grateful!

DR: Thanks for the interview!

DN: Any final words, encouragement for the readers?

DR: Don't let anyone steal your dream!

DN: Exactly! Don't ever leave home without your Dark Shades for these Bright Lights!

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